We held the annual Tasan Group Game Night, and crowned a new winner: You Na! (2/24/25)Sheng and Liang are taking great care of Megan’s plants since she left! (2/23/25)Several Tasan Group members rang in the new year with bronze castings in DMSE’s forge and foundry! Liang made an awesome beaver.(1/16/25)Cem received this fun “award” from a fellow professor! (11/13/24)UROP Amelia enjoys some steel research in the DMSE Breakerspace on Halloween. We all had lots of fun trick or treating! (10/31/24)We all had fun at our annual bowling event! Alex won the competition yet again! (09/13/24)Congrats to Alex for beating Cem as the overall winner of Game Night! (04/25/24)We took a road trip to New Hampshire to see the eclipse! (04/08/24)Our group meeting turned into a party as we celebrated Judy’s final talk! (03/22/24)We took advantage of our trip to TMS for some Orlando fun! (03/07/24)Radiant joy on Huang Sheng and Mingwei’s faces after a triumphant first step in firing lasers. (12/05/23)Celebratory group photo following the successful completion of the Alloy Design Workshop 2023 (12/01/23)Our group just recruited 6 new grad students! Welcome Alex, Can, Minho, Berk, Abhi & You Na! (11/29/23)Pure joy captured in a group photo as we spot our animated selves proudly adorning our collective spirit on these awesome group T-shirts! (11/17/23)Julian Strikes Gold 🎳: A Stellar Victory in the Group Bowling Event! (10/06/2023)Spiking Up the Office Energy! 🏐💥 Super Intense Inter-Office Volleyball Showdown for Ultimate Fun Time! 🎉🏆 And Guess Who’s Celebrating in the Lower Right Corner? 🙌🎊 (09/15/2023)Felicity’s Farewell: Celebrating Memorable Moments with a Remarkable Researcher (08/10/2023)Watch out everyone: Casper’s passion for roller coaster is contagious! (04/29/2023)Game night in the Green office! Only few finals have had the same intensity… 😉 Thanks to Casper and Kirmina for organizing a great group event and congratulations (again!) to Prafull! (04/22/2023)Cem catching up with Hyunseok, Jiyun and Haoxue at MRS Spring in San Francisco! Prost! (04/11/2023)The Taşan group took Julian to Julian, CA (!) after TMS2023…hikes, wolves, chess and flowers all in 24h and a 15-seats minibus! (03/24/2023)Work hard, play hard 🙂 Lots of fun memories from TMS2023! Cheers everyone! (03/2023)When Sierra is not in the lab you can find her………in the MIT orchestra!! Break a leg! (03/17/2023)It’s finally February, which means…Annual Candlepin Competition! And Prafull is our champion for the second year in a row! Congrats! (02/10/2023)After an intense afternoon assembling furniture for our new office (guess which color we have named it after?!) we sadly said goodbye to our dear Shaolou…we wish him all the best and look forward to his next steps! (01/20/2023)We are very sad to have to say goodbye to Hyunseok and Jiyun…but we made sure they are both ready for their next adventures! Good luck guys! (12/09/2022)Past and current members happily celebrating after another successful 2022 Alloy Design Workshop! (12/02/2022)New volleyball challenge! We do miss Jackie, Haoxue and Menglei…but great job to all our new members! (10/11/2022)Celebrating Cem’s tenure talk with family, friends, colleagues and funny hats! (10/05/2022)Celebrating our newly minted Sc.D.: Dr. Haoxue Yan and Dr. Jiyun Kang! Haoxue is off to the west coast to start as a post-doc with Prof. Kunal Mukherjee at Stanford MSE. We are glad to still have Jiyun with us for a little longer! (09/15/2022)Many things to celebrate in the Taşan group, but mainly our first generation of graduates! Congratulations guys! (Ben and Jackie: hope to see you both soon!) (05/26/2022)Celebrating Cem’s Tenure with few surprises, a group lunch and cakes! (05/03/2022)Welcoming Berk, Kyung-Shik and Felicity with our tradition: competition of the offices! Hobbiton got their first win with the help of some Yellow office members 🙂 But the real winners were our UROPS Lauryn&Jasmine at The Escape Room 🙂 (04/22/2022)Cem knows how to treat his past, current and future members of the group! TMS2022 Anaheim, CA. (03/03/2022)Our annual candlepin bowling competition is back! And the winner is…Prafull!! Congratulations! (02/2022)Festive celebrations for our newly minted Dr. Wei! Congratulations! We are so happy you are staying on as a postdoc! (12/16/2021)Celebrations for Menglei’s PhD! We are so happy that you are staying with us as a postdoc! (11/22/2021)Jasmine presented her internship to the DMSE undergraduate internship symposium! Great job Jasmine! (11/05/2021)Happy Halloween from the Taşan group! (10/31/2021)Farewell dinner for Gianluca who is going to Washington to pursue his start-up(s)! All the best and…stay sharp! (10/2021)Annual photos of the Taşan group since 2016! We just took the 2021 version, thanks Raima for finding the exact location! (09/2021)Farewell dinner for Jackie, with past and present members of the lab! Best of luck in your future endeavors! (08/2021)Farewell Jinwoo! We’ll miss you greatly! (08/2021)Fun afternoon of games in the Taşan group! Spicy Uno, giant Jenga and pretzel poker! (06/2021)Farewell dinner for Maria and Tim, with personalized toast by Jinwoo, Shaolou and Cem! Bittersweet moments…we will miss you!! (05/2021)The battle of the offices is back! Congratulations to the yellow office for winning the office improvement fund! Thankfully, pizza brings hearts together even after harsh battles… (05/2021)Yet another Alloy Design Workshop in the books. Although we can’t be together in person, it’s always good to see everyone over Zoom. (12/2020)To say farewell to Kong in person, we had a socially-distanced ping-pong game tournament. Ben was the crowned winner, and earned $100 for office improvements for the yellow office! (11/2020)It has been awhile since the group got together! Still socially distanced, half a year later: pre-MIT ramp down (03/2020) and post- research ramp up (11/2020).TMS happiness with the whole team (including ex- and new postdocs). Pictured here: Korean BBQ, productive meeting in the Airbnb, and amazing San Diego seafood. (02/2020)Happy holidays from the Tasan Group! (12/2019)Dylan and Matej’s productive stay in our group has come to an end as they head back to Imperial College. We threw them a farewell party filled with board games. (12/2019)We celebrated our new group members with a soccer game and some sushi! The yellow office won and was rewarded $200 towards office improvements. (11/2019)Happy Halloween from the Tasan Group! Pictured: Gianluca, t-rex Ph.D. in training (10/2019)The group spent an afternoon at the beach, trying to squeeze out the last bit of summer. (08/2019)We are as sad as Ikuho is to see Killian and Ikuho leave. Good luck with all your future endeavors! Come back and visit us soon. (08/2019)This year’s winner of our annual bowling event is Ikuho! As the winner, he gets free breakfast for a week. (05/2019)Cem is promoted to an Associate Professor. To celebrate, the whole group went skiing. (02/2019)The two offices competed in a volleyball match for the new espresso machine.Atieh leaves us to become a professor in Cornell University.Daixiu’s three month visit came to an end. We wish you all the best back in Japan Daixiu.Halloween! Dressed as? Maleficent and MIT.Nano clean room.Shaoshi is headed back to Tsinghua University to finish his Ph.D. after his six month visit in our group.Tasan team at Grenoble for some synchrotron experiments.Group picnic and dodgeball – volleyball – football – soccer event!Two new visiting PhD researchers joined our group from two top universities in China. Welcome Feng and Shao-Shi!The group gathers to send off Rebecca back to Oxford after her productive one-year stay with us.Group dinner for celebrating Jackie and Gianluca’s successful Thesis Area Examinations.Visiting professor Zhiyong and visiting student Zhiyuan leaves us for their home institutes. Wishing you all the best, Zhiyuan and Zhiyong.Emeric and Ke’s time in our group came to end. We are sad to see them go but wish them all the luck in the future adventures.The moment right before Jenga fell.The winners of the second annual group bowling event, Zhiyong and Ben, will get free breakfast for a week. Congrats!We are devastated our best photoshopper Tomoki is leaving us to go back to Kyushu University. Wishing you all the best Tomoki.We are more than happy that Shaolou, Jiyun, Gianluca, and Haoxue joined us as new members in the group.Professor Gao and his students came to visit our group.Tasan-ians put their brains to test at Trapology Boston during a group outing.The group goes out to grab lunch together to celebrate the belated spring in Cambridge.Shout out to Menglei and Ke for designing the Tasan Group T-shirt.What better team bonding activities can you have than group badminton?Goodbye dear Jiali and Meimei!Emotions in Tasan GroupThe first ever annual group bowling event was an success. Emeric came in first and we are all in awe. (2016)Group lunch