An in situ investigation of neighborhood effects in a ferrite-containing quenching and partitioning steel: mechanical stability, strain partitioning, and damage
J. Kang, N.S. Pottore, H. Zhu, C.C. Tasan
Acta Materialia, 254 (2023) 118985

Determination of short-range order in TiVNbHf(Al)
M. Xu, S.L.Wei, C.C. Taşan J.M. LeBeau
Applied Physics Letters, 122 (2023) 181901

On the plastic deformation of a CoCrFeNiW-C alloy at elevated temperatures Part II. Grain boundary sliding and damage mechanisms
S.L.Wei, C.C. Taşan
Acta Materialia, 252 (2023) 118898

Detecting thermally-induced spinodal decomposition with picosecond ultrasonics in cast austenitic stainless steels
S. Al Dajani, B. R. Dacus, C. A. Dennett, M. G.Burke, L. Waldron, T. S. Byun, J. J. Wall, K. Anglin, O. A. Al Dajani; K. J. Krakowiak, F.-J. Ulm, A. Schwartzmann, C.C. Taşan, P. Hosemann, M. P. Short
Acta Materialia, 246 (2023) 118552

Partial differential equations to determine elasto-plastic stress-strain behavior from measured kinematic fields
B.C. Cameron, C.C. Taşan
International Journal of Plasticity, 162 (2023) 103512

Carbon segregation and cementite precipitation at grain boundaries in quenched and tempered lath martensite
L. Morsdorf, A. Kashiwar, C. Kübel, C.C. Taşan
Materials Science and Engineering A, 862 (2023) 144369

On the plastic deformation of a CoCrFeNiW-C alloy at elevated temperatures: Part I. Serrated plastic flow and its latent dynamics
S.L. Wei, D.P. Moriarty, M. Xu, J.M. LeBeau, C.C. Taşan
Acta Materialia, 242 (2023) 118430

An in situ study of microstructural strain localization and damage evolution in an (α + β) Ti-Al-V-Fe-Si-O alloy
J Kang, HS Oh, SL Wei, G Zhu, I Nakahata, C.C. Taşan
Acta Materialia, 242 (2023) 118424

Strain partitioning in a multi-phase V-Ti-Ni alloy containing superelastic nano-precipitates
J.L. Cho, C. C. Taşan
Metallurgical and Materials Transactions A, 54 (2023) 381–390