Deformation faulting in a metastable CoCrNiW complex concentrated alloy: A case of negative intrinsic stracking fault energy?
S.L. Wei, C.C. Taşan
Acta Materialia, 200 (2020) 992-1007

Natural-mixing guided design of refractory high-entropy alloys with as-cast tensile ductility
S.L. Wei, S. J. Kim, J.Y. Kang, Y. Zhang, Y. Zhang, T. Furuhara, E.S. Park, C. C. Taşan
Nature Materials, 19 (2020) 1175–1181

How hair deforms steel
G. Roscioli, S.M. Taheri-Mousavi, C.C. Taşan
Science, 369, 6504 (2020) 689-694

Damage in metal forming
A.E. Tekkaya, P.O. Bouchard, S. Bruschi, C.C. Taşan
CIRP Annals – Manufacturing Technology, Vol. 69, Issue 2 (2020) 600-623

Design of a V-Ti-Ni alloy with superelastic nano-precipitates
J.-L. Zhang, J.L. Cann, S.B. Maisel, K. Qu, E. Plancher, H. Springer, E. Povoden-Karadeniz, P. Gao, Y. Ren, B. Grabowski, C.C. Taşan
Acta Materialia, 196 (2020) 710-722

Origin of micrometer-scale dislocation motion during hydrogen desorption
M. Koyama, S. M. Taheri-Mousavi, H. Yan, J. Kim, B. Cameron, S. Moeini-Ardakani, J. Li, C.C. Taşan
Science Advances Vol.6 No.23 (2020)

Effects of defect development during displacive austenite reversion on strain hardening and formability
M. Jiang, J. Kang, C.A. Hirst, C.C. Taşan
Metallurgical and Materials Transactions A 51 (2020) 3832-3842

Strong macroscale supercrystalline structures by 3D printing combined with self-assembly of ceramic functionalized nanoparticles
B. Domènech, A. Tan, H. Jelitto, E.Z. Berodt, M. Blankenburg, O. Focke, J. Cann, C.C. Taşan, L.C. Ciacchi, M. Müller, K.P. Furlan, A.J. Hart, G. A. Schneider
Advanced Engineering Materials 22 (2020) 2000352

Plastic strain-induced sequential martensitic transformation
S. Wei, J. Kim, J.L. Cann, R. Gholizadeh, N. Tsuji, C.C. Taşan
Scripta Materialia 185 (2020) 36-41

Hydrogenation-induced lattice expansion and its effects on hydrogen diffusion and damage in Ti-6Al-4V
J. Kim, E. Plancher, C.C. Taşan
Acta Materialia 188 (2020) 686-696

Manganese micro-segregation governed austenite re-reversion and its mechanical effects
M-M. Wang, M. Jiang, C.C. Taşan
Scripta Materialia 179 (2020) 75-79

Laser-induced toughening inhibits cut-edge failure in multi-phase steel
J.P.M. Hoefnagels, C. Du, C.C. Taşan
Scripta Materialia 177 (2020) 79-85

High entropy alloys: a focused review of mechanical properties and deformation mechanisms
E.P. George, W.A. Curtin, C.C. Taşan
Acta Materialia 188 (2020) 435-474

Tracking microstructure evolution in complex multi-axial strain paths: A bulge test methodology
E. Plancher, K. Qu, N. H. Vonk, M. Gorji, T. Tancogne-Dejean, C.C. Taşan
Experimental Mechanics 60 (2020) 35-50