Phase stability effects on hydrogen embrittlement resistance in martensite – reverted austenite steels
B. Cameron, M. Koyama, C.C. Taşan
Metallurgical and Materials Transactions A, 50 (2018), 29-30.

Multiphase Iron-Steel Objects from Medieval Anatolian Seljuks: Classification and Production Techniques
Ü. Güder, C. C. Taşan, A. Yavas.
Archaeologicke Rozhledy, 70 (2018), 483-493.

Metastability in High Entropy Alloys: a Review
S.L. Wei, F. He, C.C. Taşan
Journal of Materials Research, 33 (2018), 2924-2937.

Multiresolution mechanical characterization of hierarchical materials: Spherical nanoindentation on martensitic Fe-Ni-C steels
A. Khosravani, L. Morsdorf, C.C. Taşan, S. Kalidindi
Acta Materialia, 153 (2018), 257-269.

Experimental–numerical study on strain and stress partitioning in bainitic steels with martensite–austenite constituents
N. Fujita, N. Shikawa, F. Roters, C.C. Taşan, D. Raabe
International Journal of Plasticity, 104 (2018), 39-53.

Preventing damage and redeposition during focused ion beam milling: The “umbrella” method
T. Vermeij, E. Plancher, C.C. Taşan
Ultramicroscopy, 186 (2018) 35-41.

Microstructural mechanisms of fatigue crack non-propagation in TRIP-maraging steels
Z. Zhang, M. Koyama, M.M. Wang, K. Tsuzaki, C.C. Taşan, H. Noguchi
International Journal of Fatigue, 113 (2018) 126-136.