Partial recrystallization of gum metal to achieve enhanced strength and ductility
J.-L. Zhang, C.C. Taşan, M.J. Lai, D. Yan, D. Raabe
Acta Materialia, 135 (2017), 400-410.

Designing duplex, ultrafine-grained Fe-Mn-Al-C steels by tuning phase transformation and recrystallization kinetics
J.-L. Zhang, D. Raabe, C.C. Taşan
Acta Materialia, 141 (2017), 374-387.

Interfacial hydrogen localization in austenite/martensite dual-phase steel visualized through optimized silver decoration and scanning Kelvin probe force microscopy
M. Koyama, T. Nagashima, B. Asif, M. Rohwerder, C.C. Taşan, E. Akiyama, K. Tsuzaki, D. Raabe
Materials and Corrosion, 68 (2016) 306-310.

Effects of martensitic transformability and dynamic strain-age-hardenability on plasticity in metastable austenitic steels containing carbon
T. Ogawa, M. Koyama, C.C. Taşan, K. Tsuzaki, H. Noguchi
Journal of Materials Science, 52 (2017) 7868-7882.

Effects of lamella size and connectivity on fatigue crack resistance of TRIP-maraging steel
Z. Zhao, M. Koyama, M. Wang, K. Tsuzaki, C.C. Taşan, H. Noguchi
International Journal of Fatigue, 100 (2017) 176-186.

A TRIP-assisted dual-phase high-entropy alloys: Grain size and phase fraction dependences of deformation behavior
Z. Li, C.C. Taşan, K.G. Pradeep, D. Raabe
Acta Materialia, 131 (2017) 323-335.

Recent Progress in Microstructural Hydrogen Mapping in Steels: Quantification, Kinetic Analysis, and Multi-Scale Characterization
M. Koyama, M. Rohwerder, C.C. Taşan, A. Bashir, E. Akiyama, K. Takai, D. Raabe, K. Tsuzaki
Materials Science and Technology, 33 (2017) 1481-1496.

Martensite size effects on damage in quenching and partitioning steels
M-M. Wang, J-C. Hell, C.C. Taşan
Scripta Materialia, 138 (2017) 1-5.

Bone-like crack resistance in hierarchical metastable nanolaminate steels
M. Koyama, Z. Zhao, M. Wang, D. Ponge, D. Raabe, K. Tsuzaki, H. Noguchi, C.C. Taşan
Science 355 (2017) 1055-1057.

In-situ observation of silver-decoration evolution under hydrogen permeation: effects of grain misorientation on hydrogen flux in pure iron
M. Koyama, D. Yamasaki, T. Nagashima, C.C. Taşan, K. Tsuzaki,
Scripta Materialia 129 (2017) 48-51.

Interstitial atoms enable joint twinning and transformation induced plasticity in strong and ductile high-entropy alloys
Z. Li, C.C. Taşan, H. Springer, B. Gault, D. Raabe,
Scientific Reports, 7 (2017) 40704.

Complexion-mediated martensitic phase transformation in Titanium
J. Zhang, C.C. Taşan, M.J. Lai, A-C. Dippel, D. Raabe,
Nature Communications, 8 (2017) 14210.