Papers: 2016

Multiple mechanisms of lath martensite plasticity

L. Morsdorf, O. Jeannin, D. Barbier, M. Mitsuhara, D. Raabe, C.C. Taşan
Acta Materialia, 121 (2016) 202-214.

On the mechanism of 332 twinning in metastable β-titanium alloys

M. Lai, C.C. Taşan, D. Raabe
Acta Materialia, 111 (2016) 173-186.

From electronic structure to phase diagrams: A bottom-up approach to understand the stability of titanium–transition metal alloys

L-F. Huang, J. Zhang, M-J. Lai, C.C. Taşan, S. Sandloebes, D. Raabe, J. Neugebauer
Acta Materialia, 113 (2016) 311-319.

Spectral TRIP enables ductile 1.1 GPa martensite

M-M. Wang, C.C. Taşan, D. Ponge, D. Raabe
Acta Materialia, 111 (2016) 262-272.

Metastable high entropy dual phase alloys overcome the strength-ductility trade-off

Z. Li, K.G. Pradeep, Y. Deng, D. Raabe, C.C. Taşan
Nature, 534 (2016) 227-230.

Self-Healing metals

B. Grabowski and C.C. Taşan,
Advances in Polymer Science (1-21). Berlin, Heidelberg: Springer (2016).

Hydrogen-assisted damage in austenite/martensite dual-phase steel

M. Koyama, C.C. Taşan, T. Nagashima, E. Akiyama, D. Raabe, K. Tsuzaki
Philosophical Magazine, 96 (2016) 9-18.

Multi-probe microstructure tracking during heat treatment without an in-situ setup: Case studies on martensitic steel, dual phase steel and β-Ti alloy

J.-L. Zhang, L. Morsdorf, C.C. Taşan
Materials Characterization, 111 (2016) 137-146.